Departemen Perikanan UGM beserta Center for Seafood Security and Sustainability yang didukung oleh Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union telah melaksanakan webinar Sinntech #9 dengan tema Budidaya, Inovasi, dan Industrialisasi Rumput Laut. Webinar diselenggarakan pada hari Senin, 24 Mei 2021 yang dimoderatori oleh mahasiswa Magister Ilmu Perikanan, Feni Susanti, S.Pi. Acara dibuka dengan sambutan dan perkenalan program studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Dr. Ir. Djumanto, M.Sc., dilanjutkan sambutan sekaligus perkenalan Departemen Perikanan UGM dan program studi Magister Ilmu Perikanan oleh Dr. Alim Isnansetyo, M.Sc.
Acara Sinntech #9 menghadirkan tiga pembicara yakni Dr. Ratih Ida Adharini dari Departemen Perikanan UGM yang membahas mengenai Teknik Pembibitan Grateloupia (Rhodophyta); Dr. Ratih Pangestuti dari Departemen Riset dan Pengembangan Bio Industri Laut LIPI dengan topik pembahasan Bio Inovasi Rumput Laut Indonesia; serta Dr. Maya Puspita dari SELT Marine Group, yang memamparkan mengenai Industri Hulu dan Hilir Rumput Laut dalam Global Value Supply Chain.
Rumput laut di Indonesia memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan melalui bio-inovasi dalam berbagai sektor seperti pangan, farmasi, kosmetik, dll. Pengembangan potensi rumput laut diperlukan koordinasi dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, baik pemerintah, akademisi, industri, media, dan masyarakat, agar rumput laut dapat berkontribusi sebagai pembangkit ekonomi serta berperan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi masyarakat Indonesia.
Figure 1. The 3rd International Ocean Camp (3rd IOC) di National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Taiwan
Students and faculty member of the Magister Program in Fisheries Sciences UGM participated in the 3rd International Ocean Camp (3rd IOC) in National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) on 21-30 October 2019. Twenty faculty members and 60 students from 14 universities of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan participated in this 3rd IOC. The activites during ten days events included lectures, visiting laboratory, historical place, maritime museum, and harbour facilities in Keelung city, Taiwan. The lectures were conducted everyday, combined with visiting indoor and outdoor fasilities in the campus. The participants learned basic chinese language, fish otholite research and several topics closely to fisheries sciences including Next bussiness model for shipping industry dan Cruise industry development in Asia. This activity improved the knowledge of participants and strengthen the networking among students and faculty members with diverse foreign universities.
Graduate students of Fisheries Science UGM attended and presented papers in the 9th International Fisheries Symposium 2019 held in Seri Pasific Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18-21 November 2019. More than 500 participants attended in this symposium with more than 200 oral presentations and 150 posters. IFS 2019: A NEW HORIZON IN FISHERIES & AQUACULTURE THROUGH EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION.
Workshop on Molecular Technique of Aqquatics Plants diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10-11 Juli 2019, diikuti mahasiswa doktoral dan maagister ilmu perikanan, dengan nara sumber Prof. Nikolai Borisjuk
SSNS Team were motivated and educated how to make Module design, learning outcome, assessment and feedback for Magister Course. Each university participant also presented the course development to get the evaluations and suggestions.
Photo session of SSNS Team for closing our study visit in University of Stirling. We agreed to develop sustainable seafood and nutrition security issue in our magister curriculum.
SSNS Team are motivated for more concerning about ethical consideration of handling live animal for research by Dr. Mags Crumlish. Also the need of strict health and safety procedures in laboratories for animal as well as students.
Dr. Dave Little stated that in Europe only edible parts (33%) are consumed by people, but actually the inedible part (675) actually plays more important role in the nutrition of Asian people where seafood is produced. It shows that most educated or developed countries are throwing away the nutrient rich part of fish. Therefore, nutrition education and value of seafood is not just for less developed countries it is perhaps more important for developed countries and for educated people.
SSNS Team visited Marine Harvest Loch Leven Salmon Farm in Scotland, which is the largest salmon farm in the world which has production sites in more than 8 countries. This salmon farm has 16 cages, with the production capacity of 3000 ton per cycle of 17th months.
Marine Harvest salmon farm applies efficiently feeding technique which is monitored for 24 hours/day to get the best growth and zero waste management.
The activity on 2nd day was seminar on Making the Most of Masters (MMM) by Dr Eunice Atkins and Blue Technology Master for Blue career by Dr. Andrew Desbois. MMM is an activity that engaging industry in curriculum, or an initiative aimed at building links between universities and businesses (public, private and third sector). Many of the postgraduate courses provide opportunities for Master students to undertake collaborative dissertation projects with businesses for mutual benefit. Dr. Andrew Desbois presented that a need to bring together industry and education/training providers to promote and support the development of career opportunities and deliver skilled people to meet the needs of industry. The activities like provide courses/training such as bachelor/masters courses providing specific knowledge and skills for jobs in the blue economy to highly qualified professionals (e.g. lawyers, logisticians, biologists, chemists, etc.); and also develop (re)training and upskilling opportunities for blue professionals to upgrade knowledge and competences (e.g. IT skills, environmental management skills, learn new technologies, entrepreneurship or languages).
As a part of Erasmus Mundus activity, Dr. Murwantoko, Dr Ratih Ida Adarini, and Dr. SIti Ari Budhiyanti visited at University of Stirling on 11-16th February 2019. In this activity, the lecturers from 9 Asia Universities (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bogor Agriculture University, Jakarta Fisheries University from Indonesia; Asian Institute of Technology, Maejo University, Khon Kaen University from Thailand; Can Tho University, RIA1, Nong Lam University HCM City from Vietnam) and 4 EU partners (University of Stirling United Kingdom, NTNU Norway, University of Thessaly and Euro Training from Greece) engaged in curriculum development process with SSNS project. The agenda had been designed to prioritise discussion on the new courses that are being developed within SSNS covering key points such linking teaching with research and industry; ethical considerations for research and teaching; module syllabus, intended learning outcomes, formative and summative assessments in module design; and also hear from past MSc students, give the opportunity to observe ‘live’ teaching, and visit a commercial aquaculture cage salmon site.